May 23, 2008

  • What makes someone a "good person"?

    This is a tough question though for me I know from experience who a good person is. For example, the janitor where I work is just a really friendly guy who is always willing to share a smile and some encouragement. I would consider him a good person.

    Another person outside of my job whom I would consider a good person is a good friend named Tim Gomez. He's a big African American guy who has a disability that has forced him to use a wheelchair probably for the rest of his life. I think partly because of his disability and partly because of his outlook on life he is able to empathize with people who are going through difficult times and almost always provide some sort of encouragement. I would definitely consider him a good, if not great, person.

    I think another way to clarify what makes a person good is by contrasting them to someone who is not good. One person who comes to mind right now as bad person is a lady who recently took advantage of my mom's elderly friend. A couple of weeks ago my mom was trying to reach her friend both by phone and mail and wasn't able to get a hold of her. So last week my parents stopped by her house only to find her gone. My mom heard that a lady who is known to be a con artist - this same lady had previously gotten in trouble for conning elderly people - had been talking with my mom's friend lately and is likely the reason why she is missing. Needless to say my parents filed a police report though my mom's friend is sadly missing to this day. I can easily say that this con artist is not a good person. We are hoping that she is brought to justice sooner rather than later.


    Update: My mom's friend has been found and is back in the area and my mom just told me her friend has been contacted by authorities so things are starting to look better! I'll keep you posted on any changes.

    Who is somebody you would consider to be a good person?

    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

Comments (11)

  • I think the janitor is a good example of what a good person is. Anyone who makes you smile and listens is a good person in my book. And I'm sorry to hear about your mom's friend, that's terrible. Hopefully there will have a happy ending.

  • I'm thinking of your mother's friend.  Let's send her our strength vibes to help her get back home safely.  

  • @allthingsbarbara - Agreed! Thanks for the concern!

  • @wherethefishlives - I'm hoping too.. Hope your weekend goes well

  • I'm so sorry about your mom's friend and I sincerely hope she is found and that she will be all right. You are so right that the person who appears to have manipulated her is NOT good. I would say that she is positively evil!

    Your janitor friend certainly would fit most people's reasonable definition of being "good!" Theologically, only God is really good and every good trait we possess is of Him and from Him alone! Even so, it would be a privilege to get to know your janitor friend! What a wonderful man!


  • @Grampa_David - He is a nice guy indeed. He's just usually happy and is an encouraging person!

  • Funny you mentioned Tim!  I've often wondered how he and Jamie are doing.  He is a very nice guy!

  • So that's what happened on mother's day.  Claudia never told me, she just said they were in and out of the police station.  I'm very sorry to hear about this.  Extremely unacceptable.  Did your parents know the lady (con artist)?   

  • @antism - My parents never met the lady to my knowledge but she had tried something similar in the past and got in trouble for it. Unfortunately she came back. :(

    @joyinjc02 - Ah I didn't know you knew Tim! That's awesome. I think he's doing well!

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